[CA pgfr] Creating a PUG in Montreal (fwd)

ioguix at free.fr ioguix at free.fr
Lun 19 Jan 19:45:07 CET 2009

Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 08:45:36 -0800
From: Robert Bernier <robert.bernier5 at sympatico.ca>
To: ioguix at free.fr
Cc: Selena Deckelmann <selenamarie at gmail.com>,
     ^M^J Stéphane A. Schildknecht <steph.as at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Creating a PUG in Montreal

Salu :-)

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

I'm responding in english as this email has also been CC'd to Selena.

On Tuesday 13 January 2009 21:32:08 ioguix at free.fr wrote:

> I used to old pgfr CA mailing-list in my first mail...

> >

> > I write you today to get some advice and help to add a new PUG in the map

> > in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Most of you already know me as a member for

> > pgfr folks or just meet me briefly in lasts pgCon at Ottawa.

> >

> > I'm writing this mail in english mostly for Selena and any other person

> > who could recieve this mail througth some forwardings.

> >

> > This new PUG we could be MTLPUG (or anything else better :)), but lets

> > use this name in this mail presently.

I've been thinking about setting up something of a PostgreSQL user-group for the Ottawa area but this past year has seen me out of town.

I think you've done a pretty good job of looking up those groups that would prove useful i.e.

- MLUG: http://www.mlug.ca/cms/

- PHPQuebec: http://www.phpquebec.org/

- mailing list pgsql-fr-generale

- PgFR

Have you thought of contacting the local university computer clubs such as the one at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal?

Consider expanding your intiative beyond Montreal. When it comes to opensource, the entire province tends to do things all at the same time in an organic
manner. For example, there might be somebody worthwhile contacting at the "Universite de Quebec a Sherbrooke" as they pioneered a lot of opensource
initiatives in the province these past few years.

I do agree that Savoir Faire Linux, savoirfairelinux.com, might prove a good contact/sponsor(?). They are an aggressive opensouce enterprise in the
province and are also connected with PHP-Quebec.

Another commercial contact is Christian Meloche, http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/849/7b3. He heads an IT consulting firm specializing in opensource
solutions that operates in the Quebec City/Ottawa/Gatineau regions. He also has contacts in France; but then, so too does Saviour Faire Linux.

Keep me abreast of your initiatives.


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