[Trad] [svn:pgfr] r1383 - traduc/trunk/slony/website

admin at listes.postgresql.fr admin at listes.postgresql.fr
Dim 30 Aou 15:27:55 CEST 2009

Author: daamien
Date: 2009-08-30 15:27:55 +0200 (Sun, 30 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 1383

trad site wevb : nettoyage

Deleted: traduc/trunk/slony/website/index.html
--- traduc/trunk/slony/website/index.html	2009-08-30 13:26:30 UTC (rev 1382)
+++ traduc/trunk/slony/website/index.html	2009-08-30 13:27:55 UTC (rev 1383)
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-  <meta name="generator" content=
-  "HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1 September 2005), see www.w3.org">
-  <title>Slony-I - "master to multiple slaves" replication system
-  with cascading and failover</title>
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-  font-family:lucida,arial,helvetica; font-size: 11px; font-style:normal; font-weight:bold; color:#003399; text-decoration:none;
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-    <tbody>
-      <tr>
-        <td>
-          <table border="0">
-            <tbody>
-              <tr>
-                <td align="left" valign="top"><img src=
-                "images/Slon_450x320.jpg" align="left"></td>
-                <td align="left" valign="top"></td>
-              </tr>
-            </tbody>
-          </table>
-          <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width=
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-              </tr>
-              <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
-                <td nowrap="nowrap"><img src="images/shim.gif"
-                height="1" width="1"><b><a class="adminNav" href=
-                "admin.html">Project Admin Area</a></b></td>
-                <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap" width="100%">
-                <b><a class="projNav" href=
-                "http://main.slony.info">slony1 Home</a> |
-                <a class="projNav" href=
-                "http://slony.info/">Slony-I Website</a> |
-                <a class="projNav" href="cvs.html">Slony-I CVS</a>
-                | <a class="projNav" href=
-                "http://lists.slony.info/mailman/listinfo">Mailing
-                Lists</a></b></td>
-                <td><img src="images/shim.gif" height="1" width=
-                "1"></td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr bgcolor="#000000">
-                <td colspan="2"><img src="images/shim.gif" height=
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-          <h1>Drafty Slony-I Site</h1>
-          <p>Please note that this site is presently <b>under heavy
-          construction</b> .</p>
-          <p>It will soon be able to be actively used for Slony-I
-          CVS, downloads, and mailing lists; it's not <i>quite</i>
-          ready yet, so for now, you likely still want to look to
-          the <a href=
-          "http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/slony1/projdisplay.php">
-          gBorg Slony-I project</a> for the time being.</p>
-          <p>There will be announcements on the gBorg-based mailing
-          lists indicating the migration when all is ready...</p>
-          <h1>Slony-I</h1>
-          <p><b>Slony-I</b> is a "master to multiple slaves"
-          replication system with cascading and failover.</p>
-          <p>The <i>big picture</i> for the development of Slony-I
-          is a master-slave system that includes all features and
-          capabilities needed to replicate large databases to a
-          reasonably limited number of slave systems.</p>
-          <p>Slony-I is a system for data centers and backup sites,
-          where the normal mode of operation is that all nodes are
-          available.</p>
-          <p>A fairly extensive "admin guide" comprising material
-          in the CVS tree may be found <a href=
-          "http://linuxdatabases.info/info/slony.html">here</a>
-          There is also a local copy <a href=
-          "adminguide/slony1-1.2.6/doc/adminguide/index.html">here</a></p>
-          <p>The original design document is available <a href=
-          "http://developer.postgresql.org/%7Ewieck/slony1/Slony-I-concept.pdf">
-          here</a>.</p>
-          <h1>Slony-I 1.2.7</h1>
-          <p>Now released is version 1.2.7. It has a number of fixes
-          and minor enhancements as listed in the <a href=
-          "http://main.slony.info/viewcvs/viewvc.cgi/slony1-engine/RELEASE-1.2.7?view=log">Release
-          Notes</a> .</p>
-          <p>This has been run thru the <a href=
-          "http://linuxdatabases.info/info/releasechecklist.html">Release
-          Checklist</a></p>
-          <p>There are two tarballs available in the downloads area <a
-          href="http://main.slony.info/downloads/1.2">here</a></p>
-          <h1>Slony-I 1.1.7</h1>
-          <p>Now released is version 1.1.7. It has a number of fixes and minor
-          enhancements as listed in the <a href=
-          "http://main.slony.info/viewcvs/viewvc.cgi/slony1-engine/RELEASE-1.1.7?view=log">Release
-          Notes</a> .</p>
-          <p>This has been run thru the <a href=
-          "http://linuxdatabases.info/info/releasechecklist.html">Release
-          Checklist</a></p>
-          <p>There are two tarballs available in the downloads area <a
-          href="http://main.slony.info/downloads/1.2">here</a></p>
-          <h1>Slony-I and PostgreSQL 8.1</h1>
-          <p>There is a known incompatibility of versions earlier
-          than 1.1.5 with version 8.1; you can expect to see the
-          following error message when compiling:</p>
-          <pre>
-slony1_funcs.c:1081: error: too many arguments to function
-          <p>A patch for both version 1.1 "STABLE" and CVS HEAD has
-          been committed to CVS; look at both CVS HEAD as well as
-          <tt>REL_1_1_STABLE</tt>. It is in the 1.1.5 release
-          candidate described above.</p>
-          <h1>Upgrading Slony-I</h1>
-          <p>Beginning with version 1.0.5 the slon replication
-          engine refuses to work against any database that does not
-          have the stored procedures for the same version loaded or
-          where the shared object containing the C language support
-          functions and the log trigger does not match the version
-          number.</p>
-          <p>This means that the Slony installation on all nodes in
-          a cluster must be upgraded at once.</p>
-          <p>The proper upgrade procedure is this:</p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>Stop the slon replication engine on all nodes.</li>
-            <li>Install the new Slony version on all nodes.</li>
-            <li>Execute a slonik script containing the command
-              <pre>
-    update functions (id = );
-</pre>for every node in the cluster.
-            </li>
-            <li>Start all slon replication engines.</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>For more details, see also <a href=
-          "./adminguide/slony1-1.2.6/doc/adminguide/slonyupgrade.html">
-          Upgrading Slony-I</a> .</p>
-          <h1>Libpq requirements</h1>
-          <p>The multithreaded replication engine requires the
-          libpq client library to be compiled with
-          --enable-thread-safety on certain operating systems.
-          Known are thus far Solaris and AIX. Other operating
-          systems are known to not require this (Linux-X86,
-          FreeBSD-X86, FreeBSD-Alpha, OpenBSD-Sparc64 and OSX). The
-          configuration script is broken with respect to the
-          --enable-thread-safety switch for Solaris. Please apply
-          this patch, configure and recompile libpq: <a href=
-          "http://developer.postgresql.org/%7Ewieck/slony1/download/threadsafe-libpq-742.diff.gz">
-          threadsafe-libpq-742.diff.gz.</a></p>
-          <h1>RPMs</h1>
-          <p>RPM files for some versions of Red Hat Linux are
-          available <a href=
-          "http://pgfoundry.org/projects/slony1">here</a> ,
-          including SRPM (Source RPM) files that may be helpful if
-          you wish to generate RPM files for distributions not yet
-          supported.</p>
-          <p>This project is released under the Berkeley/BSD
-          license.</p>
-          <hr>
-          <address>
-            <a href="mailto:cbbrowne at ca.afilias.info">Christopher
-            Browne</a>
-          </address><!-- Created: Thu Jan 25 11:13:08 EST 2007 -->
-          <!-- hhmts start -->
-Last modified: Wed Mar  7 18:25:06 EST 2007
-<!-- hhmts end -->
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-    </tbody>
-  </table>

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